5 minute Activities!!!

Create a food rainbow! The more colorful our fruits and veggies, the more nutritious. Have students try for three colors during lunch!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

School Gardens: Food, Fun and Fitness

Healthy Happening: What offers students opportunities to be physically active while learning about the environment, nutrition, teamwork, and patience? A school garden, of course! Several Centennial schools have a garden, including global gardens that contain plants from around the world and vegetable gardens. Involving young people in growing produce gives them ownership of the food products and encourages them to try new foods.
Students, parents, and staff at Pleasant Valley Elementary work to create a school garden

Resource: Growing Gardens
Growing Gardens Youth Grow Program partners with interested schools to improve nutrition and decrease the risk of food insecurity by teaching children lessons in where food comes from, the importance of eating fruits and vegetables and how to grow food through fun hands-on activities.

Funding Opportunity: Multnomah County Health Places Healthy People Grant
Deadline: Dec 1                         Award Amount: $2,500 - $50,000
School gardens are one of many types of projects that could apply for funding through this grant

Friday, November 5, 2010

District Wellness Committee: Building Momentum

How energizing to see healthy happenings involving diverse groups of dedicated players popping up across the district! I hope everyone had a chance to read in yesterday's Cmail about the exciting "Treadmarks" program promoting physical activity for students at Pleasant Valley and Lynch Meadows Elementary Schools

Health is happening at the district level as well: This past Wednesday, 15 people from the Centennial community joined together to revive the district wellness committee. And what an enthusiastic and motivated group of parents, faculty, administrators, directors, and supervisors; the committee is eager to meet not once more, but TWICE more during this very busy time between now and winter break! Students - we are eager to involve you in this wellness work, so if you're interested in joining the committee or just learning more about wellness in your school, let me know! The committee welcomes ideas and feedback from the greater Centennial community.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Welcome to the Centennial Healthy Happenings Blog!

This blog is designed to support the efforts of the Healthy Active Schools Program at Centennial School District by:
  1. Highlighting Healthy Happenings going on in Centennial Schools
  2. Providing links to resources
  3. Announcing relevant funding opportunities

Healthy Happening: Friday Fit At Oliver Elementary

Oliver Elementary turned a lemon into lemonade after library time was cut last year. To fill that 20 minutes/week for each class, Friday Fit emerged, allowing each class to have 20 minutes of physical activity with Principal Egbers and Mr. Kalstad in the gym every Friday. Way to go Oliver Elementary!

Resource: Playworks
Playworks provides recess coaches and technical assistance to "support learning by providing safe, healthy inclusive play and physical activity to schools at recess and throughout the entire school day."

Funding Opportunity: Nike Employee Grant Fund
Deadline: November 15          Award: $5000-20,000
Description: For projects that use sport or physical activity to leverage other community benefits

Do you have a healthy happening to share? Want to learn more about a resource? Are you interested in pursuing a funding opportunity?  Let me know!

Your Healthy Active Schools Program Coordinator,