5 minute Activities!!!

Create a food rainbow! The more colorful our fruits and veggies, the more nutritious. Have students try for three colors during lunch!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wellness Policy Updates

The Wellness Policy updates are located in the Student Handbook on page 16. 

"Our Wellness Policy has been updated to address the changing health needs and concerns of our students, and to add choices by making sure that healthier options are available for everyone who wants them.  With a focus on more nutritious foods and increased opportunities for physical activity, new additions to the policy include:
* Fundraisers – schools can earn money without compromising the health of students, staff, and families, with projects that sell popular foods like fresh fruits, with traditional fundraisers that are activity based such as “Run For the Arts”, or by selling useful items like wrapping paper or magazines.
* Meal times – schools will work to make the healthier option the easier option for students by offering and promoting more choices in the cafeteria, and reducing competition from less nutritious foods like chips and sports drinks.  
* In the classroom – choices will be available when the school provides food at a celebration, for example if there are cupcakes for a party, a healthy option like fresh cut fruit will be offered as well. Also, food will not be used as a reward or motivation (such as a bribe for good behavior).
* Physical Activity – research shows that students who move, stretch, or engage in learning activities in the classroom also have better academic and behavioral outcomes. Physical activity will be promoted throughout the school day to encourage students to enjoy movement and exercise.
* Drinking water – because water is an essential nutrient and one of the healthiest beverage options, the new policy states that students and staff will have access to fresh drinking water throughout the school day, including in the cafeteria. 

We are proud of these new guidelines and thankful for the volunteers on the Centennial Wellness Committee who helped put them together. The new Wellness Policy will be reviewed every year by the Superintendent and the district Wellness Committee, and will be communicated for the benefit of students and staff. "

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A new fruit tree orchard at CLC

The Centennial Learning Center created a partnership with the Fruit Tree Planting Company and had 20 fruit trees and 10 berry shrubs donated!  Students and staff spent Monday planting all 20 trees.  Thanks everyone for the hard work and new orchard!

See the article in the Oregonian for more information  http://blog.oregonlive.com/gresham_impact/print.html?entry=/2011/09/centennial_learning_center_stu.html

Monday, September 19, 2011

School Garden Grant Opportunites

 There are some great opportunities for creating or supporting schools gardens right now.  If you are interested in school gardens at your school, take a look at the links below!

Welcome Back

Welcome back to a new school year.  I hope that everyone had a relaxing yet exciting summer. 

This was a great summer for the Wellness Committee and the Healthy Active Schools program.  Here are a few of the summer events:

  • Over the summer, Centennial had a visit from the Center for Disease Control, the Healthy Active Schools grant funders.  They came all the way from Atlanta, Georgia to visit Centennial and David Douglas SD.  They were very impressed with the passage of the Wellness Policy and AR in Centennial.  We visited the CMS track and Centennial Learning Center’s garden and school kitchen. 
  • CMS Track:  As suggested by the Wellness Committee, we resurfaced the CMS track!  We meet with Atlas, the company the district contracts with for the track, early in the summer about what it would take to fix the track.  They gave us an estimate that was very reasonable and something that was feasible using both grant funds and district funds.  It was a great opportunity to promote physical activity for CMS students, Lynch Meadow students, staff and the larger Centennial community. Come by and see it. 
  • Playworks:  Four schools; Lynch Wood, Oliver, Parklane, and Pleasant Valley, had an opportunity to participate in a Playworks training.  This training gave playground staff the skills to run a structured recess program.  Playworks focuses on getting children more involved in a safe, inclusive recess environment.  They focus on teaching students how to play but also how to solve playground conflicts using Rock, Paper, Scissors.  The goal is to reduce referral and other negative behavior that happens on the playground and to encourage healthy physical activity for all students. 
  • Drinking Fountains:  New water fountains are being installed in four schools: Lynch View, CMS, Pleasant Valley and Lynch Wood.  The fountain at Lynch View has been complete and is located outside the cafeteria.  The fountain at CMS should be finished in the next few days.  
  • New Superintendant:  I have met with Teresa Baldwin, Centennial’s new superintendent, to discuss the grant and the Wellness Committee.  Teresa is a big advocate of health and wellness and is very supportive of the work we are doing.  She and I are also looking at ways to continue this work when the grant is over on March 16th.

It has been a great summer and I am ready for a great school year.  PLease let me know if the Wellness Committe can support your projects and ideas.