5 minute Activities!!!

Create a food rainbow! The more colorful our fruits and veggies, the more nutritious. Have students try for three colors during lunch!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Did you know ...
You have to walk about three miles to burn off the calories from one 20-ounce soda? It’s the same for a 23-ounce can of sweetened tea.  To burn the calories from one 24-ounce frozen, caramel coffee drink, you have to walk about five and a half miles. That’s the distance from Mississippi Street in North Portland to Hawthorne Boulevard in Southeast Portland!

Check out Multnomah County's It Starts Here for a video and some free downloadable maps!

School has started and you have a great idea for your class or school, but no money to pay for it.  Here are some options for grants that are currently open and taking applications! Many of the links below have multiple grant opportunities.

My favorite grant and organization  East Portland Action Plan!  They are the Safe Routes 2 School funders for the Parklane and Oliver grant.  Thanks EPAP!

East Portland Action Plan has released  the EPAP 2013 Grants Programapplication due by November 15, 2012 at 5:00 PM (click on the following link to access the application): 2012.10.01 EPAP 2013 Grant Application.doc or2012.10.01 EPAP 2013 Grant Application.pdf.
To learn more about the East Portland Action Plan, please go to the web site atwww.eastportlandactionplan.org   or contact Advocate lore wintergreen at 503.823.4035 or lore.wintergreen@portlandoregon.gov .
The Action Plan was designed by the community, for the community, to:
§         Improve the quality of life for East Portland residents;
§         Foster strong community connections;
§         Increase the area’s regional significance; and
§         Enhance equity.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Centennial gets highlighted in the WISE newsletter! 
WISE is the Wellness In School Environment group.  They are a collaboration of multiple organizations committed to creating a healthy school environment and a healthy community for us all. Check pout the Turning Policy Into Action  article to read about all the great Healthy Happenings in Centennial.  

Contact Julie Mack for your very own copy.  

Friday, September 21, 2012

Centennial's Resource Committee is Back in Action

The Centennial Resource Committee (CRC) had their first meeting of the school year and lots of exciting Green School Projects are in the works!

CLC has reduced their garbage in half by composting food scraps!  What began as a Pilot Program has turned into a permanent change in their school culture.  Students and staff are composting, recycling and saving.  They have gone from a 2 yard garbage bin to a one yard.  Great work CLC!

Pleasant Valley is having a WildSide work day on October 13 form 9am till noon.  Planting trees and protecting the wetland!

Lynch View made $450 by recycling with TerraCycle.  They are creating a garden space and are thinking about school composting also!  LV was also just awarded Premier Green School Status!  

Are you interested in applying for some Green School Start up grant funds?  Contact julie_mack@centenail.k12.or.us and she will get you an application. 

CRC Meeting Dates for 2012-13:
November 20
January 22
March 19
May 21
all meetings are on a Tuesday at 3:45 in the District Office Board Room

Centennial current Green School Status:

School                        Certification Level           Expiration Date

Butler Creek                                                                               Expired
Oliver Elementary                                                                      Expired as HOI
Parklane Elementary                    Premier                                 Expired as HOP
Lynch Meadows                           Entry                                   January 2013
Lynch View                                  Premier                                             
Lynch Wood                                                                                      Expired
Pleasant Valley                             Entry                                     January 2013

CMS                                                                                                  Expired

CHS                                                   Entry                                     March 2015
CLC                                                   Merit                                     June 2015

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grant Opportunities

Fuel Up To Play 60
A grant program through the Oregon Dairy Council that offers up to $4,000 for healthy eating and physical activity promotions.

East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation
Grants of up to $1500 to support conservation projects, conservation education, and community events promoting natural resources conservation.

Umpqua Bank Community Giving
Focused on Youth development and education, The Arts, and Community development

Contact Julie Mack for more grant ideas.

Parklane is getting a new Water Fountain!

Parklane will have there new  chilled, filter, hands-free bottle filling water fountain installed in the next couple of weeks.  This fountain was purchased from CPPW grant funds.  Maintenance was REALLY busy over the summer and they all work very hard to make our schools, grounds, and jobs much nicer.  After Parklane, Oliver, CHS, and BC will have their fountains installed.  Thanks Maintenance for all your hard work.  

Bring a water bottle and enjoy!

Community Gardens in Centennial?!

We are working on it!  Centennial Learning Center and Oliver Elementary are working on community garden  projects in partnership with Portland Parks and Rec.  We are still in the site assessment phase but are hoping to create garden space at both schools for the community and the schools to use.  This will be a long process   and I really appreciate everyone's participation and support.  Stay tuned for updates!
For more school garden information, you can check out Growing Gardens. Growing gardens offers a School   Garden Coordinator Certification course that helps schools create, maintain, and sustain successful school gardens.  
Wellness Committee Updates

Centennial's District Wellness Committee had their first meeting of the 2012-13 school year.  Organic Fresh Foods presented to the WC their selection of locally, scratch made entrees.  They are an organization from Salem that creates entrees specifically for school lunches and meet the required protein and grain servings.  

The WC is working with Dining Services to offer Organic Fresh Fingers' entrees during school lunch everyday!!  This will be a vegetarian option for students and staff everyday.  The items that we are planning to include during lunch are: lasagna, black bean enchilada, mac-n-cheese (made with half the fat and a white bean puree, so good), fettuccine alfredo, egg fried rice, mozzerella pasta bake, and pizza bagels.  

The Wellness Committee is focusing on creating more nutritious, vegetarian, locally made entrees to our schools menu to encourage both staff and students to try new healthy foods.  The changes will happen in October, so keep an eye out and try a school lunch!
Sample Bake

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A great story about new fruit and veggie options during school meals!

Healthier School Lunches

Keep a eye out for the new options and Harvest of the Month promotions during meal times!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

  Watermelon Wednesday!!!
New Changes in our Cafeterias

Centennial Dining Services is making some changes in our Cafeterias to promote all of us eating more fruits and Veggies.  The Harvest Of The Month program highlights a local fruit or veggie for every month.  September will feature watermelon on the salad bar every Wednesday. 
Watermelon is sweet and tasty but also has all of these nutrients: Vitamins A and C; Lycopene, an antioxidant that helps reduce risk of cancer and other diseases; Potassium, which helps the brain tell muscles when to move and promote healthy blood pressure.
But Wait! There are more changes!
The USDA (United States Department Of Agriculture) is also helping us eat more fruits and veggies by making sure that at lunch every student will receive ½ cup of fruits or veggies at lunchtime.  To help make this happen, Elementary schools will have students get their lunch trays then go to the salad bar, then they will type in their lunch number.  The MS and HS will also make sure students are getting their ½ cup of fruits and veggies servings. 

Fruits and Veggies are so important to our health and many studies show that we do not get our recommended amounts.  Dining Services wants to make sure that all students are getting enough nutrients so that we are all healthy and ready to learn!

More resources:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Free Movie in Parklane Park on Friday Aug. 10th

Portland Parks and Rec will be showing Cars 2 free in Parkland park.  The movie starts at dusk but there will be other events and activities for the whole family.

Safe Routes to School Project will also have a space during the movie event asking for safe walking and biking to school input.  Help Oliver and Parklane identify updates that are needed to make walking and biking to school safer.  Do you know a place where the cars drive too fast? A broken sidewalk? A crosswalk needed?  Let us know!  Contact Julie Mack for more information about how to get your voice heard and have your input count!  Enjoy the movie and enjoy our amazing neighborhood!

Cooperative Garden is Flourishing!

A new cooperative garden is in full swing on 164th just south of Stark by the Rosewood Cafe.  SUN School at Oliver and Parklane have a space and you can be a part of it too. Come to a few work parties on Monday, Thusrday, or Saturday at 10am and Sunday at noon and volunteer then you can be a part of the harvest bounty.  Contact Adam at adam@outgrowhunger.org for more information.

                                                       Oliver and Parklane SUN Staff

Grant funds available for Home Depot Supplies

Do you have a project that needs some support? Home Depot is awarding upto $5,000 in supplies for gardens, bike racks, playgrounds, and many other healthy school projects. The award comes in Home Depot gift cards and could give your idea the tools it needs to become amazing.  For more information, check out the Home Depot link  http://homedepotfoundation.org/page/applying-for-a-grant

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Earth Day Community Event

Sunday April 22nd from 2-6pm is an Earth Day Community Event hosted by WeAreOregon.  There will be food, art exhibits, music, capoeria, and guitar demonstrations.  You can make your own recycled art and learn about community gardens in the community.

The event will be at Neighborhoods United Workers Center 19255 E Burnside, Gresham.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Which vegetable has three times as much vitamin C as an orange?

Answer: A Bell Pepper! All varieties provide a good source for your daily recommended Vitamin C, but yellow and red peppers are the highest. Just remember, to get the full amount of Vitamin C (and other nutrients), you have to eat the whole thing! 

Photo of assorted bell peppers

For more information, check out:  http://www.fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov/month/bell_pepper.html

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Grant Has Ended but The Work Continues!

The Healthy Active Schools Grant has ended but Centennial will continue the work!  Julie Mack will continue as the Healthy Active School Coordinator.  My new position will be as a half-time employee in Dining Services.  I will be working closely with Dining Services to continue promoting and supporting of the healthy choices and improvements that they have made.  We will continue looking at ways to promote healthy options in the cafeterias.  I will continue to promote and support the District's Wellness Policy and be an overall resource for health and wellness within our schools and community.  Please contact me with any questions or comments about my role within the District or about health and wellness.  Thank you everyone.  I am really excited to continue all of our amazing work and working with each of you in the future. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March Is Nutrition Month

A healthy (easy) snack idea

Lemon Velvet Smoothie
8 oz (one small container) of lemon yogurt
6 oz of frozen orange juice concentrate
2 1/2 cups of milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla

Through it all in a blender for about 2-3 minutes
Eat immediately or freeze it like a Popsicle!

Try different combos of yogurt and frozen juice to make your own! Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New Wellness Committee Contact Information

The District Wellness Committee has a new email!  wellness_committee@centennial.k12.or.us
You can send questions, comments, request for resources or ideas to the entire group in one email!   

Friday, January 27, 2012

Free children's Health Fair Saturday at Lynch View

 The Multnomah Dental Society will hold its annual Free Children’s Health Fair from 10 am-2pm Saturday, Feb. 4, at Lynch View Elementary School, 1546 SE 169th Pl.

This community outreach program provides a variety of health and dental related services at no charge to any child, do not have to be a Centennial student:
• Dental, Vision, and Hearing screenings
• Dental Treatment –(Mobile Dental Units on site)
• Proper Dental Hygiene Instructions
• Information on a variety of healthcare topics for the entire family
• Oregon Health Plan & Healthy Kids Sign up & Resources
• Lead Poison Screenings
• Nutrition/Diabetes Information
• Fire Safety
• Bicycle Safety
• Head Start Information

Each child attending will receive a “goodie bag” that includes a toothbrush and toothpaste and information on taking care of their teeth. In addition, there will be entertainment, food and prize drawings, including the grand prize of a Playstation Gaming Set. Children do not need to be present at the time of the drawing to win.

The Fair is part of the American Dental Association’s nationwide program, Give Kids A Smile. The objective is to mobilize the nation’s dentists during the month of February (National Children’s Dental Health Month) to provide free oral health care services to thousands of low-income children.