5 minute Activities!!!

Create a food rainbow! The more colorful our fruits and veggies, the more nutritious. Have students try for three colors during lunch!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

  Watermelon Wednesday!!!
New Changes in our Cafeterias

Centennial Dining Services is making some changes in our Cafeterias to promote all of us eating more fruits and Veggies.  The Harvest Of The Month program highlights a local fruit or veggie for every month.  September will feature watermelon on the salad bar every Wednesday. 
Watermelon is sweet and tasty but also has all of these nutrients: Vitamins A and C; Lycopene, an antioxidant that helps reduce risk of cancer and other diseases; Potassium, which helps the brain tell muscles when to move and promote healthy blood pressure.
But Wait! There are more changes!
The USDA (United States Department Of Agriculture) is also helping us eat more fruits and veggies by making sure that at lunch every student will receive ½ cup of fruits or veggies at lunchtime.  To help make this happen, Elementary schools will have students get their lunch trays then go to the salad bar, then they will type in their lunch number.  The MS and HS will also make sure students are getting their ½ cup of fruits and veggies servings. 

Fruits and Veggies are so important to our health and many studies show that we do not get our recommended amounts.  Dining Services wants to make sure that all students are getting enough nutrients so that we are all healthy and ready to learn!

More resources:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Free Movie in Parklane Park on Friday Aug. 10th

Portland Parks and Rec will be showing Cars 2 free in Parkland park.  The movie starts at dusk but there will be other events and activities for the whole family.

Safe Routes to School Project will also have a space during the movie event asking for safe walking and biking to school input.  Help Oliver and Parklane identify updates that are needed to make walking and biking to school safer.  Do you know a place where the cars drive too fast? A broken sidewalk? A crosswalk needed?  Let us know!  Contact Julie Mack for more information about how to get your voice heard and have your input count!  Enjoy the movie and enjoy our amazing neighborhood!

Cooperative Garden is Flourishing!

A new cooperative garden is in full swing on 164th just south of Stark by the Rosewood Cafe.  SUN School at Oliver and Parklane have a space and you can be a part of it too. Come to a few work parties on Monday, Thusrday, or Saturday at 10am and Sunday at noon and volunteer then you can be a part of the harvest bounty.  Contact Adam at adam@outgrowhunger.org for more information.

                                                       Oliver and Parklane SUN Staff

Grant funds available for Home Depot Supplies

Do you have a project that needs some support? Home Depot is awarding upto $5,000 in supplies for gardens, bike racks, playgrounds, and many other healthy school projects. The award comes in Home Depot gift cards and could give your idea the tools it needs to become amazing.  For more information, check out the Home Depot link  http://homedepotfoundation.org/page/applying-for-a-grant