5 minute Activities!!!

Create a food rainbow! The more colorful our fruits and veggies, the more nutritious. Have students try for three colors during lunch!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Did you know ...
You have to walk about three miles to burn off the calories from one 20-ounce soda? It’s the same for a 23-ounce can of sweetened tea.  To burn the calories from one 24-ounce frozen, caramel coffee drink, you have to walk about five and a half miles. That’s the distance from Mississippi Street in North Portland to Hawthorne Boulevard in Southeast Portland!

Check out Multnomah County's It Starts Here for a video and some free downloadable maps!

School has started and you have a great idea for your class or school, but no money to pay for it.  Here are some options for grants that are currently open and taking applications! Many of the links below have multiple grant opportunities.

My favorite grant and organization  East Portland Action Plan!  They are the Safe Routes 2 School funders for the Parklane and Oliver grant.  Thanks EPAP!

East Portland Action Plan has released  the EPAP 2013 Grants Programapplication due by November 15, 2012 at 5:00 PM (click on the following link to access the application): 2012.10.01 EPAP 2013 Grant Application.doc or2012.10.01 EPAP 2013 Grant Application.pdf.
To learn more about the East Portland Action Plan, please go to the web site atwww.eastportlandactionplan.org   or contact Advocate lore wintergreen at 503.823.4035 or lore.wintergreen@portlandoregon.gov .
The Action Plan was designed by the community, for the community, to:
§         Improve the quality of life for East Portland residents;
§         Foster strong community connections;
§         Increase the area’s regional significance; and
§         Enhance equity.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Centennial gets highlighted in the WISE newsletter! 
WISE is the Wellness In School Environment group.  They are a collaboration of multiple organizations committed to creating a healthy school environment and a healthy community for us all. Check pout the Turning Policy Into Action  article to read about all the great Healthy Happenings in Centennial.  

Contact Julie Mack for your very own copy.