5 minute Activities!!!

Create a food rainbow! The more colorful our fruits and veggies, the more nutritious. Have students try for three colors during lunch!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Try a new entree EVERY Wednesday for Centennial's Farm to School Local Lunch!!!
Check out the Dining Services Newsletter for more information about your cafeteria and 
Local Lunches. 

It is 2015 and there are LOTS of new ways, ideas, and programs to create wellness for both 
Centennial Students and Staff!!

Healthy Happenings in Centennial:

Are you looking for some free resources to help you take care of yourself better?  Don’t forget to check out the free resources through OEBB! http://www.oregon.gov/OHA/oebb/pages/index.aspx

            Better Choices, Better Health
Weight Watchers –Currently registering Centennial Employees to start a free at work session meeting Fridays at 6:30am but registered people can attend ANY Weight Watchers meeting they choose.  To register call
To register:
Call 1-866-531-8170
Our start date is Jan. 16, 2015
Location name Centennial H.S.
Location # 26985
Zip code for the school 97030
Have your insurance card ready!

Employee Wellness Grant!
            Centennial has been awarded a $24,415 Employee Wellness Grant through OEA Choice Trust!  Centennial recognizes how hard every employee works and will be using the Employee Wellness Grant to offer resources around stress management, nutrition and weight management, and physical activity opportunities with the goal of reducing chronic illness and creating a healthy, happy work environment. 

The first year of this grant will focus on three objectives:           
1.     Establishing an Employee Wellness Committee with representatives from all building and both unions
2.     Establish an effective communication plan across Centennial District
3.     Offer employee wellness events or classes that address stress management, weight or nutrition education, physical activity, and supporting staff appreciation weeks. 

Keep an eye out for more information coming your way soon! If you have questions or are interested in volunteered contact Julie Mack.