5 minute Activities!!!

Create a food rainbow! The more colorful our fruits and veggies, the more nutritious. Have students try for three colors during lunch!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Healthy Happenings around the District!

WOW Employee Wellness:  We are finishing up Week 3 of our February Staff Wellness Challenges!  Congratulations to everyone who is a participating and there is still a week left to meet your personal goals and be entered into the District wide drawing for a Fit Bit Charge!

District Drawing for February Challenge and the Shamrock Run challenge will be on March 9th!!

Yoga Class Update:  Gentle Yoga at CHS has moved to 4:30 on Tuesday and will be in room 130.  You will be able to enter CHS through the front door. 

Join us for Monday Yoga at CMS or Thursday Yoga at Parklane as well as Zumba on Mondays at Oliver.  Also check out the Water Aerobics on Mondays and Wednesdays 7-8 pm $4 drop in fee.  I heard the water temp is perfect!

Have ideas, suggestions or Questions about WOW?  Talk with your building rep or contact Julie Mack!

Wellness Committee: The annual Wellness Policy Assessment report is March 9th! We will be reporting to the school board about all the great work Centennial Staff does everyday to support student health and wellness.  Schools identified a building wellness focus to encourage students to drink water, be more physically activity, and to eat healthy nutritious foods. 

The CMS Wellness Team is encouraging students to drink more water by fundraising for a new chilled, filtered, water fountain with bottle filler!  They are selling “Property of Centennial” water bottles for $5!

Share your stories, favorite cafeteria foods, or classroom physical activity with the wellness committee!  Send stories to Julie Mack.