Healthy Happenings from the WOW Committee:
Have you given the WOW committee your thoughts and feedback for the second year of our WOW grant? Take just a few minutes to help out the WOW employee Wellness committee by sharing your ideas on supporting all of our Centennial Staff.
Backpacking Europe Walker Tracker Challenge started on the 1st! Register at and track all your activity to participating in our virtual staff competition. The challenge goes all the way till Dec 13! Adrian Hardin is our current leader and way in front of the pack! Congrats to Kelsey Sommer and Judy Hartwig for winning WalkerTracker raffle movie ticket prizes for registering by Nov 2nd! There will be more chances to win prizes on Dec 13th for everyone that completes the challenge!!
Healthy Happening from the Wellness Committee:
The Wellness Committee supports students wellness by encouraging physical activity and healthy eating. Our next meeting is November 9th at the District Office from 3:45-4:45 and we will be updating our school assessments and meeting with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to talk about resources and grants!
Green School Updates from the CRCT:
The Centennial Conservation Resource Team supports green school conservation efforts across the district. Our next meeting is on Wednesday Nov.16th from 3:45-4:45. The City of Gresham School Environmental grants are open for projects focusing on:
- Reduction of solid waste through reducing, reusing, recycling or composting
- · Improving water quality
- · Improving water conservation
Grant are open for up to $1000. Email Julie Mack for the application link. Join us at the CRCT meeting to review your grant application and get your questions answered!