5 minute Activities!!!

Create a food rainbow! The more colorful our fruits and veggies, the more nutritious. Have students try for three colors during lunch!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Healthy Cooking Class with Liz Koetje

Homemade Protein Powder and Homemade Larabars!

Liz Koetje taught a groups of us how to make low-cost, nutritionally packed, easy protein powder to sprinkle on your smoothie, oatmeal, eggs, rice, cereal, whatever for an extra boost of protein an nutrition.  We are all so busy all day that being able to have  a quick, nutritious boost is important as we head into flu-season!

I wanted to share some awesome pictures and the handouts that Liz created for us!  Keep on eye out for out Wellness Wednesday workshops, the first Wednesday of every month for new classes! 

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